Become a TEFL Graduate Affiliate by referring your friends/family to our best seller 120 hour TEFL course and earn £15/$20.

Your friends will benefit from a huge 80% discount for purchasing this course for only £39/$50 and the opportunity to become an Affiliate.

They will need to apply coupon code AP39 at to benefit from this great offer.

How it works

1. Sign up for your Affiliate Program

2. Share your code with the world and track

3. Get Paid within 14 days

Sign up now


Once you referral has signed up, you will receive your payment within 14 days.

Your will receive payment to your online remittance account, such as Paypal, Azimo. etc.

You can make as many referrals as you wish.

Simply share the referral link you will be allocated during sign-up.