CulturaGo’s world-class culture courses are aimed at equipping you with detailed knowledge of the unique cultural environment you’ll be living in at your TEFL destination.

Designed to help you integrate successfully and succeed as an TEFL teacher at your school, CulturaGo’s short courses will help you:

Learn about your TEFL destination country’s cultural norms, customs, and etiquette – and how they may differ to what you are used to.

Invaluable perspectives, tips, and factual insights into your teaching destination’s culture will help you get off to the best start possible.

Understand how to engage and connect respectfully with fellow staff, and members of the local community.

Confidence is key – and there’s more to TEFL in a foreign country than a teaching contract.

Assimilate successfully into your destination’s unique cultural environment – at school, in day-to-day life, and socially.

Moving to a new country to work and live can be daunting – but far less so when you are prepared with knowledge of the culture you are stepping into and what will be expected of you.

Learn the fundamentals of local work etiquette and culture – because every country, and every culture, is unique.

A firm grasp of the fundamentals is essential for successful cultural immersion and the best working experience in a foreign country with a culture that may be very different to what you are used to.


Cultural Etiquette at Korean Schools

short course


Focused on cultural nuances in the ESL work/school environment in Korea


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Introduction to Korean Culture

 Korean people, culture, and etiquette across all aspects of wider Korean society


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Korean Culture and Korean School Etiquette

combined course

An in-depth course covering option Korean culture and etiquette in the ESL school & work environment as well as in wider Korean society


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