Teach in China
China is a huge and highly industrialised communist-run country of 1.4 billion people, characterised by huge cities and a work ethic second-to none. Nevertheless China is opening up to the world and Western influences and the demand for, and welcome toward, foreign English teachers is getting bigger by the day, so it’s worth bearing in mind that there is a lot more to China than Chinese food and huge metropolis.
The first thing that comes to mind for most when they think of China is The Great Wall of China, but this remarkable testament to ancient China is only one of a myriad attractions. Beautiful places such as The Forbidden City and rich spiritual traditions also pull Westerners by the droves to the largest and most populated country in Asia.
China offers excellent teaching packages, and this contributes to making China one of the most popular destinations for TEFL graduates.
EF English First, is one of the largest providers of English language learning in the world, with students of all ages and teachers who are passionate about their jobs in the classroom and life abroad. Currently, EF English First is hiring professionals and graduates who are looking for an amazing year or two abroad, to develop a new career or travel and experience life overseas. EF English First now has over 200 schools across 60 cities in China. This gives teachers the opportunity to choose the location that is right for them, and even enjoy job rotation across different cities. EF English First invests heavily in teacher development for those who want to advance their careers in education. Although most positions are entry-level, English First also has academic management positions such as DOS (Director of Studies) and CEM (Centre Education Manager) roles for those with more experience. Moreover, once teachers are a part of the EF family and network, they can also enjoy opportunities across the globe in other parts of the company.