Lauren Fenez – South Korea

My name is Lauren, I had the pleasure of speaking with Carlos Salamanca before deciding what type of school and location I was going to teach at in South Korea. I decided on a private school in Seoul. Carlos was very helpful and promptly responded to my questions with great detail. I landed in Seoul just as the third wave of Corona was starting. Quarantine was not a big issue for me as long as I had wifi, food and a place to exercise. Since being here for 4 months, I now have my regular routine, with exploring on the weekends and occasionally the odd weeknight. I am enjoying this experience so much. Seoul is such an efficient city to live in and the weather is fairly mild compared to Canada. I’ve made some really close friends at, and outside of work. I can’t wait to experience Spring here in Seoul. I am constantly looking forward to things as there is an endless list of activities to do!

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