Teach English in or near: Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Daejeon, Gwangju, Incheon, Ulsan, Sejong

South Korea is a small, very modern and high-tech country located across the South China Sea from Japan, and is one of the best places to teach English in East Asia thanks to superb natural attractions and excellent teaching salaries and packages.

South Korea is also known for beautiful mountain ranges that invite hiking in summer and skiing in winter, cherry orchards, Buddhist temples, beautiful beaches and islands and a unique chilli-based cuisine.

The many cities in South Korean offer all Western conveniences as well as uniquely Korean entertainment centres called ‘bangs’ (rooms) for playing computer games, watching DVDs and singing Karaoke. Temples throughout South Korea also offer opportunities to participate in Temple life and learn martial arts – and most teaching appointments offer plenty of time to do it.

Experience the ancient history and traditions that co-exist comfortably with the current culture of technological and industrial progress in South Korea.