Teach English in or near:  Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Al Ain

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an exceptionally wealthy oil-producing nation on the Arabian Peninsula, renowned for magnificent Dubai, the world’s most architecturally progressive city.

Wealth abounds in the UAE, with development centred in Dubai on the coast and in the equally impressive island city and UAE Capital of Abu Dhabi. Teaching opportunities also abound and many non-UAE nationals working a variety of industries have made the UAE home – both temporarily and permanently.

Urban centres in the UAE are very modern and geared toward luxury shopping, lifestyles and hospitality, with no western amenity and whim overlooked. Huge commercial centres offer everything under the sun, from Prada to traditional goods, and every type of cuisine you could want, including local.

Although the landscape is desert, recreational parks in both Dubai and Abu Dhabi offer indoor swimming pools and even snow-skiing! Excursions outside city limits offer a glimpse of traditional desert life.